Tropical Research Experience: TREx 2024

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Information for TREx 2024

*Last update: 29/04/2024


TREx 2024 will take place on  20 – 31 August 2024.

Registration closes on: 9 JULY 2024.

Useful links:

Further information about TREx 2024 is available below:

Click below to apply for TREx bursary:

1. What is TREx?

Tropical Research Experience (TREx) is offered by the Institute for Biodiversity and Environmental Research (IBER) of Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), designed to provide research experience in biodiversity and ecology of tropical rainforests and aquatic ecosystems.  TREx is a 2-week program comprising virtual and physical components. The virtual component is built around lectures on key topics by scientists who actively engage in tropical field research. The highlight of TREx is a 5-day research fieldwork at the Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre (KBFSC), where participants will be involved in research projects and nature outings.

2. What to expect

  • Learn about key topics on biodiversity and field techniques from research scientists.
  • Conduct a biodiversity-themed field research project.
  • Report research findings in a seminar.
  • Get involved in writing a manuscript (post-TREx).
  • A unique experience in a pristine tropical rainforest in Borneo.

3. Programme Fees

  • International participants:  USD 1,000 
  • Brunei-based participants: BND 500

4. Enquiries

For enquiries, please e-mail:

Check out previous TREx programmes here: