Occurrence and ecological implication of a tropical anguillid eel, Anguilla marmorata, in Brunei Darussalam, Borneo Island

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Figure 1. Anguilla marmorata collected in Brunei Darussalam, Borneo Island. A BE-1, A. marmorata (962 mm in TL). B BE-2, A. marmorata (1352 mm in TL). C Narrow maxillary bands…

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Tropical forests can handle the heat, up to a point: A Science Publication

https://youtu.be/mSHHqlAR6SQ A new publication in Science (https://science.sciencemag.org/content/368/6493/869) has revealed that over the long-term, temperature has the greatest effect on forest carbon stocks by reducing growth, with drought killing trees the…

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Museomics for reconstructing historical floristic exchanges: Divergence of Stone Oaks across Wallacea

Dr Joeri Strijk in the field with Fagaceae Natural history collections are storehouses of evolutionary and biological information, constituting exceptional investments of time, money and human endeavor spanning centuries. The…

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Documenting the flora of Southeast Asia: the first working checklist of the vascular plants of the Sunda-Sahul Convergence Zone published

Documenting Earth’s biodiversity is critical for understanding and conserving it. However, the question of how many species of plants are in Southeast Asia, and where they occur has long remained…

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