Brunei Darussalam is strategically located in an area which holds a wealth of natural resources in both its pristine tropical rain forests, freshwater and marine ecosystems. Our forests types include the mangroves, freshwater swamp, peat swamp forest, kerangas or tropical heath forest, mixed dipterocarp forest and montane forest. These natural richness merits a special approach for its continued research, understanding and documentation and presentation of its significant findings to conserve, especially protect, develop or manage. This approach for the systematic organization and enhancement of biodiversity knowledge finds its focus through the functions of our Institute.
- Long Term Monitoring of IBER Tropical Forest Dynamics Plots.
PIs : Dr Faizah Hj Metali & Dr Rahayu Sukri
- Monitoring Mammal Community in the Ulu Temburong National Park, Brunei Darussalam.
PI: Dr Salwa Khalid, Co-PI: Prof Dr Ulmar Grafe
- Monitoring shy mammals: Building a knowledge base of rarely encountered mammals in Brunei Darussalam.
PI: Prof Dr Ulmar Grafe, Co-PI: Dr Salwa Khalid
- The Reproductive Ecology and Habitat Use of Bornean Freshwater Cyprinid Fishes.
PI: Siti Rafhiah Hj Abd Kahar, Co-PIs: Prof. Takaomi Arai, Dr Hjh Norhayati Hj Ahmad
- Impact of soils, climate and topography on large tree biomass accumulation.
PI: Dr Johan Willem Frederik Slik, Co-PI: Rodzay Hj Abd Wahab
- Antidiabetic Properties of Plants Sourced from UBD Botanical Research Centre.
PI: Dr Hjh Norhayati Hj Ahmad
- Ecophysiology of the hemiparasitic vine, Cassytha filiformis L.: Nutrient analysis between host-parasite interactions.
PI: Hajah Roshanizah binti Haji Rosli, Co-PI: Dr Faizah Hj Metali
- Microbial induction of Agarwood.
PI: Dr Pooja Shivanand, Co-PI: Dr Hussein Taha.
Some of our researchers have been able to attract external funding through organizations such as AKECOP (ASEAN-Korea Environmental Cooperation Project), US-Fulbright Program, SMART (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology) and Korea Forest Service.

Here you can browse our current research projects by themes, including terrestrial, aquatic, interdisciplinary and applied research.