Publications with UBD authors
Abdullah, Nurul Aliah, Nadzirah Zullkiflee, Siti Nurul Zahirah Zaini, Hussein Taha, Fatimah Hashim, and Anwar Usman. 2020. “Phytochemicals, Mineral Contents, Antioxidants, and Antimicrobial Activities of Propolis Produced by Brunei Stingless Bees Geniotrigona Thoracica, Heterotrigona Itama, and Tetrigona Binghami.” Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 27 (11): 2902–11.
Ahmed, Ashfaq, Muhammad S. Abu Bakar, Rasyidah Hamdani, Young-Kwon Park, Su Shiung Lam, Rahayu S. Sukri, Murid Hussain, et al. 2020. “Valorization of Underutilized Waste Biomass from Invasive Species to Produce Biochar for Energy and Other Value-Added Applications.” Environmental Research 186 (July):109596.
Arroyo‐Rodríguez, Víctor, Lenore Fahrig, Marcelo Tabarelli, James I. Watling, Lutz Tischendorf, Maíra Benchimol, Eliana Cazetta, et al. 2020. “Designing Optimal Human-Modified Landscapes for Forest Biodiversity Conservation.” Ecology Letters 23 (9): 1404–20.
Azmey, Syakirah, Mariahtul Taruna, Hussein Taha, and Takaomi Arai. 2020. “Prevalence and Infestation Intensity of a Piscicolid Leech, Zeylanicobdella Arugamensis on Cultured Hybrid Grouper in Brunei Darussalam.” Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports 20 (April):100398.
Azri, Azie, Hussein Taha, Faizah Metali, Norhayati Ahmad, and Takaomi Arai. 2020. “Validation of Occurrence and Ecological Implication of Tropical Shads Tenualosa Ilisha and T. Toli (Teleostei: Clupeidae) in Bruneian and Malaysian Waters.” Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences 36 (1): 41–46.
Becek, Kazimierz, Kamariah A. Salim, and John O. Odihi. 2020. “Brunei Darussalam Rainforest Temperature and Light Intensity Data Recorded in 2017.” Data in Brief 33 (December):106425.
Brahim, Amalina, and David J. Marshall. 2020. “Differences in Heat Tolerance Plasticity between Supratidal and Intertidal Snails Indicate Complex Responses to Microhabitat Temperature Variation.” Journal of Thermal Biology 91 (July):102620.
Cicuzza, Daniele. 2020. “Lygodium Circinnatum (Burm.f.) Sw. Lygodiaceae.” In Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia, edited by F. Merlin Franco, 1–6. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Cicuzza, Daniele, T. Ulmar Grafe, N. Hazlina Zaini, M. Amiruddin Ruslan, and S. Boon Yu. 2020. “A New Record of the Fern Syngramma Quinata in Brunei Darussalam.” Scientia Bruneiana 19 (2).
Cicuzza, Daniele, Muhammad Adib Hidayatullah Ahmad, Ahmad Rafi’uddin Bin Jipli, Dk Noorul Suhailah Binti Pg Sapudin, and Nor Syukriah Akmal Bte Awg Hj Ismail. 2020. “Fern Diversity and Distribution in the UBD Campus.” Scientia Bruneiana 19 (1): 1–18.
Gӧdeke, Stefan Herwig, Owais Ahmed Malik, Daphne Teck Ching Lai, Anja Bretzler, Mario Schirmer, and Nur Hakimah Mansor. 2020. “Water Quality Investigation in Brunei Darussalam: Investigation of the Influence of Climate Change.” Environmental Earth Sciences 79 (18): 419.
Hoenigsberger, Michaela, Carina Pretzer, Mohammad J. Rahimi, Alexey G. Kopchinskiy, Alexandra Parich, Alice Laciny, Brian Metscher, et al. 2020. “Strong Antimicrobial and Low Insecticidal Activity of Mandibular Gland Reservoir Content in Bornean ‘Exploding Ants’ Colobopsis Explodens Laciny & Zettel, 2018 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Myrmecological News 30 (October):201–12.
Ibrahim, Mohamad Hilmi, Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri, Kushan Udayanga Tennakoon, Quang-Vuong Le, and Faizah Metali. 2020. “Photosynthetic Responses of Invasive Acacia Mangium and Co-Existing Native Heath Forest Species to Elevated Temperature and CO2 Concentrations.” Journal of Sustainable Forestry 0 (0): 1–21.
Jambul, Rafi’ah, Army Limin, Adibah Nabilah Ali, and Ferry Slik. 2020. “Invasive Acacia Mangium Dominance as an Indicator for Heath Forest Disturbance.” Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, August, 100059.
Joyce, Elizabeth, Kevin Thiele, Ferry Slik, and Darren Crayn. 2020. “Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the Sunda-Sahul Convergence Zone.” Biodiversity Data Journal 8 (May):e51094.
Kamsani, Khairunzahidah, F. Merlin Franco, and Ferry Slik. 2020. “A Comparative Account of the Traditional Healing Practices of Healers and Non-Healers in the Kiudang Area of Brunei Darussalam.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 256 (June):112788.
Kobrlová, Lucie, Martin Dančák, Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri, Faizah Metali, and Michal Hroneš. 2020. “Application of Glycerol-Preserved Nuclei Protocol for Genome Size Estimation in the Field Conditions of a Tropical Rainforest.” Plant Systematics and Evolution 306 (4): 73.
Kocsis, László, Anwar Usman, Anne-Lise Jourdan, Syaimaa’ Haji Hassan, Nurhazwana Jumat, Dalina Daud, Antonino Briguglio, Ferry Slik, László Rinyu, and István Futó. 2020. “The Bruneian Record of ‘Borneo Amber’: A Regional Review of Fossil Tree Resins in the Indo-Australian Archipelago.” Earth-Science Reviews 201 (February):103005.
Kodada, Ján, Manfred A. Jäch, Hendrik Freitag, Zuzana Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Katarína Goffová, Dávid Selnekovič, and Fedor Čiampor Jr. 2020. “Ancyronyx Lianlabangorum Sp. Nov., a New Spider Riffle Beetle from Sarawak, and New Distribution Records for A. Pulcherrimus Kodada, Jäch & Čiampor Based on DNA Barcodes (Coleoptera, Elmidae).” ZooKeys 1003 (December):31–55.
Kodada, Ján, Manfred A. Jäch, Hendrik Freitag, Zuzana Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Katarína Goffová, Dávid Selnekovič, and Fedor Čiampor Jr. 2020. “Ancyronyx Clisteri, a New Spider Riffle Beetle Species from Borneo, Redescription of A. Sarawacensis Jäch Including a Description of the Larva and New Distribution Data for A. Procerus Jäch Using DNA Barcodes (Coleoptera, Elmidae).” ZooKeys 912 (February):25–64.
Lupascu, Massimo, Hasan Akhtar, Thomas E. L. Smith, and Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri. 2020. “Post-Fire Carbon Dynamics in the Tropical Peat Swamp Forests of Brunei Reveal Long Term Elevated CH4 Flux.” Global Change Biology n/a (n/a).
Muscarella, Robert, Thaise Emilio, Oliver L. Phillips, Simon L. Lewis, Ferry Slik, William J. Baker, Thomas L. P. Couvreur, et al. 2020. “The Global Abundance of Tree Palms.” Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (9): 1495–1514.
Reza, Md Sumon, Shafi Noor Islam, Shammya Afroze, Muhammad S. Abu Bakar, Rahayu S. Sukri, Saidur Rahman, and Abul K. Azad. 2020. “Evaluation of the Bioenergy Potential of Invasive Pennisetum Purpureum through Pyrolysis and Thermogravimetric Analysis.” Energy, Ecology and Environment 5 (2): 118–33.
Reza, M. S., S. Afroze, A. K. Azad, R. S. Sukri, S. Shams, J. Taweekun, M. Saghir, N. Phusunti, and M. S. Abu Bakar. 2020. “Thermochemical Characterization of Invasive Axonopus Compressus Grass as a Renewable Energy Source.” In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 991:012074. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IOP Publishing.
Ribero, Laura, Phaik Eem Lim, Rosli Ramli, and Gianluca Polgar. 2020. “Assemblage Structure, Distribution and Habitat Type of the Grapsoid Crabs (Brachyura: Grapsoidea) of the Coastal Forested Swamps of Northern Borneo.” Regional Studies in Marine Science 37 (May):101323.
Sah, Hanyrol H Ahmad, and T Ulmar Grafe. 2020. “Larval Anuran Assemblages in Tropical Rainforest Streams in Borneo.” Herpetological Conservation and Biology 15 (1): 105–17.
Schilthuizen, Menno, Jonathan Lim, Anthonie van Peursen, Massimiliano Alfano, Awang Bikas Jenging, Daniele Cicuzza, Alexandre Escoubas, et al. 2020. “Craspedotropis Gretathunbergae, a New Species of Cyclophoridae (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda), Discovered and Described on a Field Course to Kuala Belalong Rainforest, Brunei.” Biodiversity Data Journal 8 (February):e47484.
Shafie, Nurul Ashifah, Nur Atiqah Suhaili, Hussein Taha, and Norhayati Ahmad. 2020. “Evaluation of Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Wound Healing Activities of Vitex Pinnata.” F1000Research 9 (March):187.
Strijk, Joeri S., Hoàng Thi Binh, Nguyen Van Ngoc, Joan T. Pereira, J. W. Ferry Slik, Rahayu S. Sukri, Yoshihisa Suyama, et al. 2020. “Museomics for Reconstructing Historical Floristic Exchanges: Divergence of Stone Oaks across Wallacea.” PLOS ONE 15 (5): e0232936.
Suhip, Muhammad Asri Akmal Bin Haji, Stefan Herwig Gӧdeke, Alexander R. Cobb, and Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri. 2020. “Seismic Refraction Study, Single Well Test and Physical Core Analysis of Anthropogenic Degraded Peat at the Badas Peat Dome, Brunei Darussalam.” Engineering Geology 273 (August):105689.
Sullivan, Martin J. P., Simon L. Lewis, Kofi Affum-Baffoe, Carolina Castilho, Flávia Costa, Aida Cuni Sanchez, Corneille E. N. Ewango, et al. 2020. “Long-Term Thermal Sensitivity of Earth’s Tropical Forests.” Science 368 (6493): 869–74.
Taha, Hussein, Pooja Shivanand, De Hwa Khoo, Yumni Haziqah Mohammad, Nur Bazilah Afifah Matussin, and Faizah Metali. 2020. “Identification of Culturable Petroleum-Degrading Bacteria and Fungi from Petroleum-Contaminated Sites in Brunei Darussalam.” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 55 (13): 1542–47.
Tan, Ming Kai, and Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul Wahab. 2020. “A Short Taxonomic Note on the Katydids from the Genus Cercoteratura Gorochov, 2019 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae), with a Key to Species.” Zootaxa 4750 (4): 591–95.
Tan, Ming Kai, and Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul Wahab. 2020. “New Taxa and Notes on Palm and False-Leaf Katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Mecopodinae, Sexavaini; Pseudophyllinae, Cymatomerini) from Brunei Darussalam.” Zootaxa 4808 (2): 301–16.
Tan, Ming Kai, Jessica B. Baroga-Barbecho, Razy Japir, Arthur Y. C. Chung, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul Wahab, and Sheryl A. Yap. 2020. “A Taxonomic Study on the Bornean and Philippines Sword-Tailed Crickets in the Genus Rhicnogryllus Chopard, 1925 (Orthoptera: Trgonidiidae; Trigonidiinae).” Zootaxa 4763 (2): 217–30.
Tan, Ming Kai, Sigfrid Ingrisch, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul Wahab, Razy Japir, and Arthur Y. C. Chung. 2020. “Ultrasonic Bioacoustics and Stridulum Morphology Reveal Cryptic Species among Lipotactes Big-Eyed Katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Lipotactinae) from Borneo.” Systematics and Biodiversity 0 (0): 1–15.
Tan, Ming Kai, Razy Japir, Arthur Y. C. Chung, and Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul Wahab. 2020. “New Taxa of Crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phaloriinae, Phalangopsinae, Itarinae and Podoscirtinae) from Borneo (Brunei Darussalam and Sandakan).” Zootaxa 4810 (2): 244–70.
Taszakowski, Artur, Junggon Kim, Claas Damken, Rodzay A. Wahab, Aleksander Herczek, and Sunghoon Jung. 2020. “Two New Genera and Species of the Gigantometopini (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae, Isometopinae) from Borneo with Remarks on the Distribution of the Tribe.” ZooKeys 941 (June):71–89.
Tuah, Wardah Haji, Kushan Udayanga Tennakoon, Salwana Md Jaafar, and Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri. 2020. “Post-Fire Impacts on Tree Diversity in Coastal Heath Forests of Brunei Darussalam.” Scientia Bruneiana 19 (1): 19–32.
Tyts, Veronica D., Anna A. Namyatova, Claas Damken, Rodzay A. Wahab, and Fedor V. Konstantinov. 2020. “Tatupa Grafei, a New Genus and Species of Cylapinae (Heteroptera, Miridae) from Brunei Darussalam.” ZooKeys 946 (June):37–52.
Yakop, Farazimah, Malai Haniti Sheikh Abdul Hamid, Norhayati Ahmad, Mohamed Abdul Majid, Manoharan Karuppiah Pillai, and Hussein Taha. 2020. “Phytochemical Screening, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Extracts and Fractions of Dillenia Suffruticosa Leaves.” Malaysian Applied Biology 49 (1): 121–30.
Yeo, Darren, Amrita Srivathsan, Jayanthi Puniamoorthy, Foo Maosheng, Patrick Grootaert, Lena Chan, Benoit Guénard, et al. 2020. “Mangroves Are an Overlooked Hotspot of Insect Diversity despite Low Plant Diversity.” BioRxiv, December, 2020.12.17.423191.
Zainalabidin, Dk Noor Ummiatul Afiqah Pg, Priscillia Miard, and T. Ulmar Grafe. 2020. “Distribution of Arboreal Nocturnal Mammals in Northern Borneo.” Scientia Bruneiana 19 (1).
Zan, Nur Dhabita, Ain Sarbini, Hussein Taha, Iy Vonne Tan, Azie Azri, Rafhiah Kahar, Faizah Metali, Norhayati Ahmad, and Takaomi Arai. 2020. “Occurrence and Ecological Implication of a Tropical Anguillid Eel, Anguilla Marmorata, in Brunei Darussalam, Borneo Island.” Zoologia 37 (March):1–7.
Zieritz, Alexandra, Hussein Taha, Manuel Lopes-Lima, John Pfeiffer, Kong Wah Sing, Zohrah Sulaiman, Suzanne McGowan, and Khairul Adha A.Rahim. 2020. “Towards the Conservation of Borneo’s Freshwater Mussels: Rediscovery of the Endemic Ctenodesma Borneensis and First Record of the Non-Native Sinanodonta Lauta.” Biodiversity and Conservation 29 (7): 2235–53.