Publications with UBD authors

Ahmed, Ashfaq, Muhammad S. Abu Bakar, Abul K. Azad, Rahayu S. Sukri, and Teuku Meurah Indra Mahlia. 2018. “Potential Thermochemical Conversion of Bioenergy from Acacia Species in Brunei Darussalam: A Review.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (February):3060–76.
Ahmed, Ashfaq, Muhammad S. Abu Bakar, Abul K. Azad, Rahayu S. Sukri, and Neeranuch Phusunti. 2018. “Intermediate Pyrolysis of Acacia Cincinnata and Acacia Holosericea Species for Bio-Oil and Biochar Production.” Energy Conversion and Management 176 (November):393–408.
Ahmed, Ashfaq, Syarif Hidayat, Muhammad S. Abu Bakar, Abul K. Azad, Rahayu S. Sukri, and Neeranuch Phusunti. 2018. “Thermochemical Characterisation of Acacia Auriculiformis Tree Parts via Proximate, Ultimate, TGA, DTG, Calorific Value and FTIR Spectroscopy Analyses to Evaluate Their Potential as a Biofuel Resource.” Biofuels 0 (0): 1–12.
Arai, Takaomi, and Naoko Chino. 2018. “Opportunistic Migration and Habitat Use of the Giant Mottled Eel Anguilla Marmorata (Teleostei: Elopomorpha).” Scientific Reports 8 (1): 1–10.
Arvanitidis, C. D., R. M. Warwick, P. J. Somerfield, C. Pavloudi, E. Pafilis, A. Oulas, G. Chatzigeorgiou, et al. 2018. “Research Infrastructures Offer Capacity to Address Scientific Questions Never Attempted before: Are All Taxa Equal?” PeerJ e26819v2.
Bourguignon, T., C. A. L. Dahlsjö, K. A. Salim, and T. A. Evans. 2018. “Termite Diversity and Species Composition in Heath Forests, Mixed Dipterocarp Forests, and Pristine and Selectively Logged Tropical Peat Swamp Forests in Brunei.” Insectes Sociaux 65 (3): 439–44.
Chai, Inn Ju, and Takaomi Arai. 2018. “Ages at Maturation of Tropical Freshwater Eels, Anguilla Bicolor Bicolor and A. Bengalensis Bengalensis.” Journal of Applied Animal Research 46 (1): 1108–13.
Chin, Yeo Yen, Roemah Goeting, Yabit bin Alas, and Pooja Shivanand. 2018. “From Fruit Waste to Enzymes.” Scientia Bruneiana 17 (2).
Chino, Naoko, Thomas Kieran McCarthy, and Takaomi Arai. 2018. “Analysis of Fluvial Migration of the Irish Pollan Coregonus Autumnalis, Using Sr:Ca Ratios of Otolith.” Journal of Applied Animal Research 46 (1): 609–12.
Din, Hazimah Haji Mohd, Nor Basirah Bakiri, Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri, and Faizah Haji Metali. 2018. “Assessment of Seedling Abundance, Survival and Growth of Two Dipterocarp Species in Peat Swamp Forests of Brunei Darussalam.” BIOTROPIA - The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology 25 (2): 148–54.
Druzhinina, Irina S., Komal Chenthamara, Jian Zhang, Lea Atanasova, Dongqing Yang, Youzhi Miao, Mohammad J. Rahimi, et al. 2018. “Massive Lateral Transfer of Genes Encoding Plant Cell Wall-Degrading Enzymes to the Mycoparasitic Fungus Trichoderma from Its Plant-Associated Hosts.” PLOS Genetics 14 (4): e1007322.
Heckenhauer, Jacqueline, Rosabelle Samuel, Peter S. Ashton, Kamariah Abu Salim, and Ovidiu Paun. 2018. “Phylogenomics Resolves Evolutionary Relationships and Provides Insights into Floral Evolution in the Tribe Shoreeae (Dipterocarpaceae).” Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127 (October):1–13.
Hidayat, Syarif, Muhammad S. Abu Bakar, Yang Yang, Neeranuch Phusunti, and A. V. Bridgwater. 2018. “Characterisation and Py-GC/MS Analysis of Imperata Cylindrica as Potential Biomass for Bio-Oil Production in Brunei Darussalam.” Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 134 (September):510–19.
Hoenigsberger, Michaela, Alexey G. Kopchinskiy, Alexandra Parich, Karsten Hiller, Alice Laciny, Herbert Zettel, Linda B. L. Lim, Kamariah A. Salim, Irina S. Druzhinina, and Rainer Schuhmacher. 2018. “Isolation of Mandibular Gland Reservoir Contents from Bornean ‘Exploding Ants’ (Formicidae) for Volatilome Analysis by GC-MS and MetaboliteDetector.” JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), no. 138 (August), e57652.
Iqbal, Erum, Linda B. L. Lim, Kamariah Abu Salim, Shaheen Faizi, Ayaz Ahmed, and Abddalla Jama Mohamed. 2018. “Isolation and Characterization of Aristolactam Alkaloids from the Stem Bark of Goniothalamus Velutinus (Airy Shaw) and Their Biological Activities.” Journal of King Saud University - Science 30 (1): 41–48.
Kerfahi, Dorsaf, Binu M. Tripathi, J. W. F. Slik, Rahayu S. Sukri, Salwana Jaafar, and Jonathan M. Adams. 2018. “Distinctive Soil Archaeal Communities in Different Variants of Tropical Equatorial Forest.” Micobial Ecology 76 (1): 215–25.
Laciny, Alice, Herbert Zettel, Alexey Kopchinskiy, Carina Pretzer, Anna Pal, Kamariah Abu Salim, Mohammad Javad Rahimi, et al. 2018. “Colobopsis Explodens Sp. n., Model Species for Studies on ‘Exploding Ants’ (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), with Biological Notes and First Illustrations of Males of the Colobopsis Cylindrica Group.” ZooKeys 751 (April):1–40.
Lee, Sohye, Jongyeol Lee, Seongjun Kim, Yujin Roh, Kamariah Abu Salim, Woo-Kyun Lee, and Yowhan Son. 2018. “Forest Structure and Carbon Dynamics of an Intact Lowland Mixed Dipterocarp Forest in Brunei Darussalam.” Journal of Forestry Research 29 (1): 199–203.
Marshall, David J., Amalina Brahim, Nurshahida Mustapha, Yunwei Dong, and Brent J. Sinclair. 2018. “Substantial Heat Tolerance Acclimation Capacity in Tropical Thermophilic Snails, but to What Benefit?” Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (22): jeb187476.
Marshall, David, Azmi Aminuddin, Nurshahida Mustapha, Dennis Ting Teck Wah, and Liyanage De Silva. 2018. “Gastropod Shell Dissolution as a Tool for Biomonitoring Marine Acidification, with Reference to Coastal Geochemical Discharge.” Preprints, March.
Morni, N. A. H., N. Radenahmad, M. S. Abu Bakar, R. S. Sukri, N. Phusunti, and A. K. Azad. 2018. “Potential of Sewage Sludge as Energy Recovery via Gasification Process.” In 7th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2018 (BICET 2018), 31 (4 pp.)-31 (4 pp.). Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.
Murrell, Tegan, Phillip J. Bishop, Rodzay Abdul Wahab, and T. Ulmar Grafe. 2018. “Lowland Rainforest Bat Communities of Ulu Temburong National Park with Two New Records for Brunei Darussalam.” Scientia Bruneiana 17 (1).
Pasion, Bonifacio O., Mareike Roeder, Jiajia Liu, Mika Yasuda, Richard T. Corlett, J. W. Ferry Slik, and Kyle W. Tomlinson. 2018. “Trees Represent Community Composition of Other Plant Life-Forms, but Not Their Diversity, Abundance or Responses to Fragmentation.” Scientific Reports 8 (1): 1–14.
Polgar, Gianluca, and Zeehan Jaafar. 2018. Endangered Forested Wetlands of Sundaland. Springer, Cham.
Polgar, Gianluca, T. U. Grafe, H. Y. K. Pang, A. Brahim, Daniele Cicuzza, and J. W. Ferry Slik. 2018. “The Universiti Brunei Darussalam Biological Collections: History, Present Assets, and Future Development.” Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 66:320–36.
Popelka, 0., Martin Dančák, R. S. Sukri, and Faizah Metali. 2018. “Novitates Bruneienses, 10. Filmy Ferns (Hymenophyllaceae) of Kuala Belalong, Brunei Darussalam.” Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 70 (1): 123–54.
Proum, Sorya, Jose H. Santos, Lee Hoon Lim, and David J. Marshall. 2018. “Tidal and Seasonal Variation in Carbonate Chemistry, PH and Salinity for a Mineral-Acidified Tropical Estuarine System.” Regional Studies in Marine Science 17 (January):17–27.
Roh, Y., S. Lee, G. Li, S. Kim, J. Lee, S. H. Han, H. Chang, K. A. Salim, and Yo Whan Son. 2018. “Changes in the Contribution of Termites to Mass Loss of Dead Wood among Three Tree Species during 23 Months in a Lowland Tropical Rainforest.” Sociobiology 65 (1): 59–66.
Slik, J. W. Ferry, Janet Franklin, Víctor Arroyo-Rodríguez, Richard Field, Salomon Aguilar, Nikolay Aguirre, Jorge Ahumada, et al. 2018. “Phylogenetic Classification of the World’s Tropical Forests.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (8): 1837–42.
Sreekar Rachakonda, Katabuchi Masatoshi, Nakamura Akihiro, Corlett Richard T., Slik J. W. Ferry, Fletcher Christine, He Fangliang, et al. 2018. “Spatial Scale Changes the Relationship between Beta Diversity, Species Richness and Latitude.” Royal Society Open Science 5 (9): 181168.
Sulaiman, Zohrah, Tan Heok Hui, and Kelvin Kok Peng Lim. 2018. “Annotated Checklist of Freshwater Fishes from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo.” Zootaxa 4379 (1): 24–46.
Sullivan, Martin J. P., Simon L. Lewis, Wannes Hubau, Lan Qie, Timothy R. Baker, Lindsay F. Banin, Jerôme Chave, et al. 2018. “Field Methods for Sampling Tree Height for Tropical Forest Biomass Estimation.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (5): 1179–89.
Tan, Ming Kai, and Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul Wahab. 2018. “A New Species of Tapiena (Orthoptera: Tettigonioidea: Phaneropterinae) from Brunei Darussalam (Borneo, Southeast Asia).” Zootaxa 4413 (1): 193–96.
Tan, Ming Kai, and Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul Wahab. 2018. “New Taxa and Notes of Katydids from the Tribe Meconematini (Orthoptera: Meconematinae) from Brunei Darussalam (Part 2).” Zootaxa 4407 (4): 582–90.
Tan, Ming Kai, and Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul Wahab. 2018. “Notes on the Taxonomy of Poorly Known Gryllacrididae (Stenopelmatoidea) from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo.” Zootaxa 4462 (4): 579–91.
Tan, Ming Kai, and Rodzay bin Haji Abdul Wahab. 2018. “Preliminary Study on the Diversity of Orthoptera from Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre, Brunei Darussalam, Borneo.” Journal of Orthoptera Research 27 (2): 119–42.
Tan, Ming Kai, Crystal Yun Han Yong, Sigfrid Ingrisch, Hanyrol H. Ahmad Sah, Rodzay bin Haji Abdul Wahab, and Philip Michael Johns. 2018. “Inferring Species Boundaries Using Acoustic and Morphological Data in the Ground Cricket Genus Gymnogryllus (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllinae).” Systematics and Biodiversity 16 (8): 731–42.
Umatani, Yoshiyuki, Takaomi Arai, and Koji Maekawa. 2018. “Flexible Seaward Migration of Dolly Varden Salvelinus Malma in the Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido, Japan.” Ichthyological Research 65 (2): 202–9.
Vallejos, Johana Goyes, T. Ulmar Grafe, and Kentwood D. Wells. 2018. “Prolonged Parental Behaviour by Males of Limnonectes Palavanensis (Boulenger 1894), a Frog with Possible Sex-Role Reversal.” Journal of Natural History 52 (37–38): 2473–85.
Yapa, S. S., A. J. Mohotti, M. a. P. K. Seneviratne, B. L. Peiris, and K. U. Tennakoon. 2018. “Prevalence of Mistletoes in Fruit and Timber Trees in the Wet and Intermediate Zone of Sri Lanka.” Tropical Agricultural Research 29 (4): 330–40.
Zamri, Azim, and J. W. F. Slik. 2018. “Checklist of Seedplant Holdings of the UBD Herbarium (UBDH), with 234 New Plant Records for Brunei Darussalam.” Scientia Bruneiana 17 (1).
Zettel, Herbert, Pia Balaka, Seiki Yamane, Alice Laciny, Linda Lim, and Irina S. Druzhinina. 2018. “New Mimetic Ants from Southeast Asia – the Camponotus (Myrmamblys) Inquilinus Group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Camponotini).” Zeitschrift Der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen 70:125–74.
Zhu, Rui-Liang, Lei Shu, and Haji Mohamed. 2018. “Vitalianthus Lamyii (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae), a New Species from the Lowland Rainforests of Brunei Darussalam.” Cryptogamie, Bryologie 39 (2): 293–99.