Publications with UBD authors
Abidin, N., and F. Metali. 2015. “Effects of Different Types and Concentrations of Auxins on Juvenile Stem Cuttings for Propagation of Potential Medicinal Dillenia Suffruticosa (Griff. Ex Hook. F. and Thomson) Martelli Shrub.” Research Journal of Botany 10 (3): 73–87.
Anderson‐Teixeira, Kristina J., Stuart J. Davies, Amy C. Bennett, Erika B. Gonzalez‐Akre, Helene C. Muller‐Landau, S. Joseph Wright, Kamariah Abu Salim, et al. 2015. “CTFS-ForestGEO: A Worldwide Network Monitoring Forests in an Era of Global Change.” Global Change Biology 21 (2): 528–49.
Bauer, Ulrike, Walter Federle, Hannes Seidel, T. Ulmar Grafe, and Christos C. Ioannou. 2015. “How to Catch More Prey with Less Effective Traps: Explaining the Evolution of Temporarily Inactive Traps in Carnivorous Pitcher Plants.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1801): 20142675.
Bazile, Vincent, Gilles Le Moguédec, David J. Marshall, and Laurence Gaume. 2015. “Fluid Physico-Chemical Properties Influence Capture and Diet in Nepenthes Pitcher Plants.” Annals of Botany 115 (4): 705–16.
Chen, Shengbin, J. W. Ferry Slik, Lingfeng Mao, Jian Zhang, Rula Sa, Kexin Zhou, and Jixi Gao. 2015. “Spatial Patterns and Environmental Correlates of Bryophyte Richness: Sampling Effort Matters.” Biodiversity and Conservation 24 (3): 593–607.
Chen, Sheng-Bin, J. W. Ferry Slik, Jie Gao, Ling-Feng Mao, Meng-Jie Bi, Meng-Wei Shen, and Ke-Xin Zhou. 2015. “Latitudinal Diversity Gradients in Bryophytes and Woody Plants: Roles of Temperature and Water Availability.” Journal of Systematics and Evolution 53 (6): 535–45.
Din, Hazimah, Faizah Metali, and Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri. 2015. “Tree Diversity and Community Composition of the Tutong White Sands, Brunei Darussalam: A Rare Tropical Heath Forest Ecosystem.” International Journal of Ecology.
Dommain, René, Alexander R. Cobb, Hans Joosten, Paul H. Glaser, Amy F. L. Chua, Laure Gandois, Fuu-Ming Kai, et al. 2015. “Forest Dynamics and Tip-up Pools Drive Pulses of High Carbon Accumulation Rates in a Tropical Peat Dome in Borneo (Southeast Asia).” Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120 (4): 617–40.
Dommain, R., A. Cobb, H. Joosten, P. H. Glaser, A. Chua, L. Gandois, F. M. Kai, et al. 2015. “The Role of Tree-Fall Dynamics in Long-Term Carbon Storage of Tropical Peatlands.” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015 (December):B11C-0446.
Hoyt, A., S. R. Pangala, L. Gandois, A. Cobb, F. M. Kai, X. Xu, V. Gauci, et al. 2015. “Methanogenesis in Peat Bogs - Insights from 14C Data Synthesis and Modeling.” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015 (December):B43J-04.
Hroneš, Michal, Lucie Kobrlová, Vojtěch Taraška, Ondřej Popelka, Radim Hédl, Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri, Faizah Metali, and Martin Dančák. 2015. “Thismia Brunneomitra, Another New Species of Thismia (Thismiaceae) from Ulu Temburong, Brunei Darussalam.” Phytotaxa 234 (2): 172–78.
Huang, Danwei, Wilfredo Y. Licuanan, Bert W. Hoeksema, Chaolun Allen Chen, Put O. Ang, Hui Huang, David J. W. Lane, et al. 2015. “Extraordinary Diversity of Reef Corals in the South China Sea.” Marine Biodiversity 45 (2): 157–68.
Iqbal, Erum, Kamariah Abu Salim, and Linda B. L. Lim. 2015. “Phytochemical Screening, Total Phenolics and Antioxidant Activities of Bark and Leaf Extracts of Goniothalamus Velutinus (Airy Shaw) from Brunei Darussalam.” Journal of King Saud University - Science 27 (3): 224–32.
Ishak, Nurul Kahrani, Zohrah Sulaiman, and Kushan U. Tennakoon. 2015. “Comparative Study on Growth Performance of Transgenic (Over-Expressed OsNHX1) and Wild-Type Nipponbare under Different Salinity Regimes.” Rice Science 22 (6): 275–82.
Ježek, Jan, Jan Ševčík, and Rodzay Abdul Wahab. 2015. “Two New Species of Sycorax (Diptera: Psychodidae: Sycoracinae) from the Oriental Region.” Zootaxa 4057 (4): 539–50.
Kočárek, Petr, Kateřina Kuřavová, David Musiolek, Rodzay Abdul Wahab, and Siti Rafhiah Abdul Kahar. 2015. “Synonymy of Discotettix Adenanii Mahmood, Idris & Salmah, 2007 with D. Belzebuth (Serville, 1838) (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae).” Zootaxa 4057 (2): 288–94.
Konopik, Oliver, Ingolf Steffan‐Dewenter, and T. Ulmar Grafe. 2015. “Effects of Logging and Oil Palm Expansion on Stream Frog Communities on Borneo, Southeast Asia.” Biotropica 47 (5): 636–43.
Lane, David J. W., and Daniel Limbong. 2015. “Catastrophic Depletion of Reef-Associated Sea Cucumbers: Resource Management/Reef Resilience Issues for an Indonesian Marine Park and the Wider Indo-Pacific.” Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 25 (4): 505–17.
Le, Quang-Vuong, Kushan U. Tennakoon, Faizah Metali, Linda B. L. Lim, and Jay F. Bolin. 2015. “Impact of Cuscuta Australis Infection on the Photosynthesis of the Invasive Host, Mikania Micrantha, under Drought Condition.” Weed Biology and Management 15 (4): 138–46.
Lee, Paolin, and Zohrah Sulaiman. 2015. “Genetic Identification and Structure of Clarias Batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758) from Southeast Asia Using a Mitochondrial DNA Marker.” Zootaxa 3962 (1): 182–90.
Lee, J., S. Lee, S. H. Han, S. Kim, Y. Roh, K. Abu Salim, S. J. Davies, and Y. Son. 2015. “Estimating Dead Organic Matter Carbon Dynamics of an Intact Mixed Dipterocarp Forest in Brunei with a Forest Carbon Model.” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015 (December):B11C-0445.
Lim, Andery, Noramaliyana Haji Manaf, Kushan Tennakoon, R. L. N. Chandrakanthi, Linda Biaw Leng Lim, J. M. R. Sarath Bandara, and Piyasiri Ekanayake. 2015. “Higher Performance of DSSC with Dyes from Cladophora Sp. as Mixed Cosensitizer through Synergistic Effect.” Journal of Biophysics 2015.
Lim, Yen Shan, Caroline R. Schöner, Michael G. Schöner, Gerald Kerth, Daniel G. Thornham, Mathias Scharmann, and T. Ulmar Grafe. 2015. “How a Pitcher Plant Facilitates Roosting of Mutualistic Woolly Bats.” Evolutionary Ecology Research 16 (7): 581–91.
Marshall, David J., Enrico L. Rezende, Nursalwa Baharuddin, Francis Choi, and Brian Helmuth. 2015. “Thermal Tolerance and Climate Warming Sensitivity in Tropical Snails.” Ecology and Evolution 5 (24): 5905–19.
Matali, S., and F. Metali. 2015. “Selected Soil Physico-Chemical Properties in the Acacia Mangium Plantation and the Adjacent Heath Forest at Andulau Forest Reserve.” Malaysian Journal of Soil Science 19:45–58.
Metali, Faizah, Kamariah Abu Salim, Kushan Tennakoon, and David F. R. P. Burslem. 2015. “Controls on Foliar Nutrient and Aluminium Concentrations in a Tropical Tree Flora: Phylogeny, Soil Chemistry and Interactions among Elements.” New Phytologist 205 (1): 280–92.
Mihae Yoon, Eunji Kim, Doo-Ahn Kwak, Woo-Kyun Lee, Jong-Yeol Lee, Moon-Il Kim, Sohye Lee, Yowhan Son, and Kamariah Abu Salim. 2015. “Estimation of Stand-level Above Ground Biomass in Intact Tropical Rain Forests of Brunei using Airborne LiDAR data.” Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (2): 127–36.
Ng, Ting Hui, Rafhiah S Kahar, and David J Marshall. 2015. “Preliminary Checklist of the Freshwater Gastropoda of Brunei.” Occasional Molluscan Papers 4:1–5.
Nishi, Eijiroh, Kanako Matsuo, Maria Capa, Shinri Tomioka, Hiroshi Kajihara, Elena K. Kupriyanova, and Gianluca Polgar. 2015. “Sabellaria Jeramae, a New Species (Annelida: Polychaeta: Sabellariidae) from the Shallow Waters of Malaysia, with a Note on the Ecological Traits of Reefs.” Zootaxa 4052 (5): 555–68.
Polgar, Gianluca, Tsung Fei Khang, Teddy Chua, and David J. Marshall. 2015. “Gross Mismatch between Thermal Tolerances and Environmental Temperatures in a Tropical Freshwater Snail: Climate Warming and Evolutionary Implications.” Journal of Thermal Biology 47 (January):99–108.
Roeder, Mareike, J.W. Ferry Slik, Rhett D. Harrison, Ekananda Paudel, and Kyle W. Tomlinson. 2015. “Proximity to the Host Is an Important Characteristic for Selection of the First Support in Lianas.” Journal of Vegetation Science 26 (6): 1054–60.
Roeder, Mareike, Michael McLeish, Philip Beckschäfer, Marleen de Blécourt, Ekananda Paudel, Rhett D. Harrison, and Ferry Slik. 2015. “Phylogenetic Clustering Increases with Succession for Lianas in a Chinese Tropical Montane Rain Forest.” Ecography 38 (8): 832–41.
Schöner, Michael G., Caroline R. Schöner, Ralph Simon, T. Ulmar Grafe, Sébastien J. Puechmaille, Liaw Lin Ji, and Gerald Kerth. 2015. “Bats Are Acoustically Attracted to Mutualistic Carnivorous Plants.” Current Biology 25 (14): 1911–16.
Schöner, Caroline R., Michael G. Schöner, Gerald Kerth, Siti Nurqayah binti Pg Suhaini, and T. Ulmar Grafe. 2015. “Low Costs Reinforce the Mutualism between Bats and Pitcher Plants.” Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology 258 (September):1–5.
Slik, J. W. Ferry, Víctor Arroyo-Rodríguez, Shin-Ichiro Aiba, Patricia Alvarez-Loayza, Luciana F. Alves, Peter Ashton, Patricia Balvanera, et al. 2015. “An Estimate of the Number of Tropical Tree Species.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (24): 7472.
Sohye Lee, Dongho Lee, Tae Kyung Yoon, Kamariah Abu Salim, Saerom Han, Hyeon Min Yun, Mihae Yoon, et al. 2015. “Carbon Stocks and Its Variations with Topography in an Intact Lowland Mixed Dipterocarp Forest in Brunei.” Journal of Ecology and Environment 38 (1): 75–84.
Sreekar, Rachakonda, Guohualing Huang, Jiang-Bo Zhao, Bonifacio O. Pasion, Mika Yasuda, Kai Zhang, Indika Peabotuwage, et al. 2015. “The Use of Species–Area Relationships to Partition the Effects of Hunting and Deforestation on Bird Extirpations in a Fragmented Landscape.” Diversity and Distributions 21 (4): 441–50.
Yang, Jie, Nathan G. Swenson, Guocheng Zhang, Xiuqin Ci, Min Cao, Liqing Sha, Jie Li, J. W. Ferry Slik, and Luxiang Lin. 2015. “Local-Scale Partitioning of Functional and Phylogenetic Beta Diversity in a Tropical Tree Assemblage.” Scientific Reports 5 (August):12731.
Zolkepli, Zularif, Andery Lim, Piyasiri Ekanayake, and Kushan Tennakoon. 2015. “Efficiency Enhancement of Cocktail Dye of Ixora Coccinea and Tradescantia Spathacea in DSSC.” Journal of Biophysics 2015.